Please note that all times below refer to Central European Summer Time (CEST)


  • If you are not able to present your talk for any reason, you are kindly requested to contact the conference organizing office immediately but not later than May 10, 2024 and notify us of any change of presenter or withdrawal.
  • Please also inform us in case you have any special needs which would affect your presentation (e.g. wheelchair).

Speaking time

  • Educational Sessions: 45 minutes (including 10 minutes for live discussion)
  • Concurrent Symposia: 30 minutes (including 5-10 minutes for live discussion)
  • Concurrent Sessions (incl. “What’s New? Highlight session”): 15 minutes (including 3 minutes for live discussion)
  • Please rehearse your talk to make sure the total audio length does not exceed the allocated speaking time.
  • Remember to allow some time for the changeover of speakers and chairperson’s introduction, and for questions and discussion.
  • Please note that, as a rule, presenters can show a (final) slide with all acknowledgements, however, in view of the short time available, names cannot be read to the audience.

Commercial disclosure information

  • Due to EACCME regulations, authors must disclose possible conflicts of interest on the first slide. An example slide can be found here (pptx file).
  • A conflict of interest is any situation in which a speaker or immediate family members have interests, and those may cause a conflict with the current presentation. Conflicts of interest do not preclude the delivery of the talk, but should be explicitly declared. These may include financial interests (e.g. owning stocks of a related company, having received honoraria, consultancy fees), research interests (research support by grants or otherwise), organisational interests and gifts.
  • If you have nothing to disclose, please state “I have no commercial disclosure” instead of the table.

Presentation details

  • Format: 16:9 landscape
  • File type: PowerPoint .pptx or PDF
    • PPTX:
      • Please note that the speaker view, incl. notes of PowerPoint cannot be used.
      • Links to external websites or the use of add-ins in your presentation slides are not possible.
      • Automatic slide changes are automatically deactivated. If you want to keep them, please check with the staff on site in the speaker service centre or contact the helpdesk at
    • PDF:
      • Links to external websites in your presentation are not possible.
      • Animations and/or videos are not possible.
  • File size: maximum 5 GB
  • File name: presenter’s name and presentation number. To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý, }, {, etc.).
  • Font size: minimum 20 points for easy viewing recommended
  • Fonts: Use “Latin-based fonts“. If you need special fonts, save them as “embedded fonts“ with the presentation on a USB stick and hand in everything at the speaker service centre (File -> save as “name of presentation“ and under “tools“ -> save options mark the checkbox “embed True type fonts“ and select “embed all characters“).
  • When using mathematical symbols please use the ones which are available under Latin fonts (unicode or DOS: Western Europe) as these can be shown without any problems.
  • Do not use any passwords or encryption for your presentation file.
  • The official conference language is English. Therefore, all presentations are to be held in English.
  • Being an organisation of genetic experts, ESHG wishes to draw your attention on the correct representation of the DNA Helix in your slides, namely the sense of rotation, which has been frequently wrong in the past. Please see the following picture for a correct representation: DNA Helix-Correct Presentation
  • Note that all sessions and presentations will be live streamed, recorded and converted into on-demand content. On-demand content will be available on the virtual conference platform to registered participants until November 30, 2024.

Presentation upload and speaker service centre

Speakers can decide to upload their presentation slides either online to the ESHG virtual conference portal or in the speaker service centre at the venue. All presentations will be loaded into a central presentation handling system that will store and distribute the presentations to the correct session halls on time.

Online presentation upload
  • Deadline: at least 3 hours before the session starts
  • For the upload, make sure to use the latest possible browser version of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
  • Follow this link and use your email address and personal password to login:
  • Note that only presenters with a completed and paid registration will see a “Presentation Upload” button. Click on it and follow these steps:
    • For better engagement with participants we recommend to complete your profile and upload a photo. However, this is not mandatory.
    • If you want to allow registered participants to send you messages, provide consent under “Permission to be contacted by ESHG participants”. Participants will type the content into a message field which will then be sent to your email. Your email address will never be shown in public.
    • To upload your PowerPoint presentation go to “Content” and click “Start submission”:
      • Accept or decline the terms and conditions.
      • Upload your .pptx or .pdf file (this might take a few minutes).
      • Preview your uploaded file and finish your upload.
    • Until the deadline for your content submission you can go back to the presentation upload module and upload updated files.
  • If you have more than one presentation during the conference, please upload the different presentation files to the according sessions shown under “Content”.
  • All presentations will be loaded into a central presentation handling system that will store and distribute the presentations to the correct session halls on time.
Speaker service centre presentation upload
  • Deadline: at least 3 hours before the session starts
  • The opening hours of the speaker service centre are as follows:
    Friday, May 31: 14:00-18:00 hrs CEST
    Saturday, June 1: 07:30-20:15 hrs CEST
    Sunday, June 2: 08:00-19:00 hrs CEST
    Monday, June 3: 08:00-19:00 hrs CEST
    Tuesday, June 4: 08:30-15:00 hrs CEST
  • Bring all files needed for your presentation on a USB-Stick. You may want to carry a second USB-Stick as a back-up in case there is any insoluble technical problem. The professional staff at the speaker service centre will assist you to upload your presentation into the system.
  • Before the final sign off check your presentation carefully.
  • If you have more than one presentation during the conference, you may upload all your presentations at the same time and they will be sent to the corresponding session halls at the time of your sessions.


Please note that taking pictures during the sessions is allowed, unless indicated accordingly by the presenter. People who do not observe this rule will be excluded from the session by the chairpersons.

Social Media Policy ESHG 2024

General presentation tips

  • Make yourself known to the chairpersons and/or the room assistant in your session room before the beginning of the session.
  • The text on your slides should be concise and to the point, key facts should be highlighted. No more than seven text lines should be used per page. Your guiding principle should be “As much as necessary, as little as possible”.
  • Colours should be used sparingly. Choose colour combinations that make your text easy to read (preferably dark background – light fonts).
  • Keep data on the slides simple.
  • Ensure a logical order of the content, clearly and well-structured.
  • Collect your illustration material well in advance. Refrain from selecting too many images and movies. Concentrate on those which emphasise your key points and conclusions optimally. Avoid overlying images on one slide as they cannot be visualised on the final version of your presentation.
  • Remember that the vast majority of the audience are not native English speakers – speak clearly (whether or not English is your native tongue) and not too fast.
  • Leave sufficient space between the text and the edge of the slide/screen. Some data projectors may not display the very border of the slide/presentation.

Presentation Certificates

Presentation certificates will be available for download to all abstract authors on the virtual conference platform one week after the conference. Please do not request certificates onsite, via phone or email.


For support contact the conference organizing office via email at