Download the ESHG Society app with the 2024 Conference content

The ESHG Society App for smartphones and tablets is now available for iOS and Android and contains the full programme of the ESHG 2024 conference. All conference data and additional society information are available.
Search for ‘ESHG’ or ‘European Soc. of Human Genetics’ in the stores or click the links on this page.

  • Browse the programme by day or session type
  • Read the abstracts
  • Access the ESHG 2024 virtual platform directly from the mobile app
  • Take notes and print or email them to you or your colleagues
  • Add talks and sessions to your personal itinerary
  • Browse sponsors by name
  • Get information on how to navigate the virtual conference
  • Learn about Faculty, Award Lecturers and Early Career Award Candidates
  • Have useful information always available.

Please note that the app and the virtual conference platform operate independently from each other. However, you will have direct links from the app to the virtual conference platform to the respective areas.

Important points:

  • The download from the App Store or the Play Store will install the “ESHG Society App”. When you will launch the app for the first time, please click on the “ESHG 2024 Conference” tile on the home screen to download the conference content. Please make sure to start it for the first time in a cost free/WIFI environment.
  • The App will ask you for a number of permissions. In an iOS environment, the app will ask for each permission separately, only if your action requires it. In an Android environment, all permissions are often presented “at once” and may sometimes come as a surprise, as the connection may not be obvious at first. What can be asked for by the App:
    • Access to the internet, in order to download the actual content and to update regularly.
    • Access to the Network state in order to check whether the update may (or may not) currently be downloaded. (You will have your own settings in view of data download by WIFI, cellular, or in a roaming situation etc…)
    • Access to external storage, in case you did not save the app in the internal memory, but on a memory card.
    • Receive notifications. We may send you a small number of push messages during the conference in oder to remind or alert you of important issues.
    • Access your contacts. The app contains profiles of speakers and delegates which you may want to add to your contacts. For this,  the app will need the permission to read and write to your contacts.
    • Access to your calendar. You may wish to add papers or entire sessions to your calendar in order to create your own agenda and e.g. set reminders to attend a specific session/meeting. For this, the app requires permission to access your calendar.
    • Wake your phone from the lock status. In order to display push messages and calendar reminders.
  • Please be assured that neither the ESHG nor the App developers are collecting any of your private data. Only (anonymous) total number of downloads, provided by Google and Apple as well as your anonymous ratings of talks or posters are collected.

Visit your App Store for the iOS version or the Google Play Store for the Android version.

Should you experience issues with the mobile app, we are happy to receive your feedback at