How to navigate the ESHG 2024 virtual platform

To be able to access the virtual platform, you need an Internet-enabled device with a browser and a speaker. Basically, all common operating systems, browsers (e.g. Firefox, Chrome or Edge) and mobile devices are supported. Safari or Chrome will usually give the best experience on Macs. Please ensure that the latest versions of operating systems and browsers are installed. The Internet download speed should be at least 5 Mbit/s, which is generally guaranteed by the vast majority of WLAN connections. In public WLAN networks, the Internet speed may not be sufficient.

1. Access to the virtual platform

You can access the virtual conference platform from your PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device with internet using the following link:

Important note: To have access to the virtual conference platform, a complete and fully paid registration is required. If you have not registered yet, please create an account and complete the registration form and payment here: Register for the conference

2. Virtual Platform

The virtual conference platform is the online “venue” of the conference. The ESHG has aimed at fully incorporating most aspects of the in-person conference in Vienna on the virtual environment. Therefore, you will have access to the best presentations in the field of human genetics in both a live and on-demand format. At the same time, you will be able to browse through posters on a digital form. Search for your presenters of interest and send them a message to connect with them.

For the best performance of the virtual platform on a browser, we recommend to use Google Chrome.

3. ESHG 2024 Programme

Conference Programme

All sessions that take place at the in-person conference will be live streamed in real time. To search your session or presentation of interest, click on the full conference programme button on the virtual conference platform home page. Online participants will be able to participate during the Q&A time by writing their questions through the Q&A box on the respective session live stream page. The chairpersons in the room will be able to read your questions and direct them to the respective speakers.

Most presentations, if agreed by the presenter, will be recorded and turned into on-demand content on the following day and will be available on the virtual platform until November 30, 2024.

There will be presentations and sessions that will not be live streamed because the presenter or organiser of the session has deemed the content not apt for a virtual setting. Nonetheless, you will have many other sessions and presentations that can be watched in parallel.

Please note that all times mentioned on our website and the virtual platform are in Central European Summer Time (CEST), that is GMT+2.

To see what time this is in your time zone, click here

Posters from submitted abstracts

At the 2024 conference there will be 2 types of poster presentations:

  • Hybrid Posters: These posters will be uploaded as a PDF on the virtual platform for online access. Additionally, they will be presented, as a paper poster, during the in-person sessions “Poster viewing with Authors” at the venue in Hall 4.2. For the “Poster viewing with Authors” sessions, online participation will not be possible.
  • E-Poster: These posters will only be uploaded as a PDF on the virtual conference platform for online access. There is no live interaction possible with E-Poster presenters.

On the virtual platform you can access the Poster page, where the PDFs have been uploaded by the presenters. In some cases you may find a short narration created by the presenters giving more insight into their poster.

Both hybrid and digital-only poster presenters, can be contacted through a messaging system found within the respective presenter’s profile on the virtual platform.

Search through the ESHG 2024 presenters

On the home page of the virtual platform you will find a button labelled “Presenters” that will direct you to a complete list of all conference presenters (orals and posters). On this page you can search by name, country or city of your presenter of interest. Moreover, you will be able to filter for Early Career Award Candidates, Early Career Poster Award Candidates and Best Poster Presenter.

Daily Highlights

Members of the scientific programme committee have recorded a short video to highlight the content of each conference day. You can access these videos by clicking on the button “Daily Highlights” on the home page of the virtual platform.

4. Tailor your own programme

Within the virtual platform you have the opportunity to bookmark the sessions and presentations that interest you the most. This way you will be able to keep track of the presentations and not schedule 2 of them at the same time. You will find the full list of your highlighted sessions and presentations under the menu option “My Programme”.

All presentations will be available as on-demand until November 30, 2024 at 23:59 CEST, you will have the opportunity to decide on your own time to watch to all your favourite talks of the ESHG 2024.

In addition, you can download the ESHG 2024 Mobile App in which you will be able to create your own calendar and have a direct access to the virtual conference platform from your mobile devices. See below for more information.

5. Interact!

You will have different opportunties to interaction with the speakers and other colleagues:

  • Live sessions: During live sessions you can ask questions to the speakers through the Q&A box located next to the live stream. Moderators will be monitoring all the questions coming through and will address a selected group to the respective speakers.
  • On-demand sessions: Do you have a questions for the presenter? Within every presenter profiles you will be able to send messages/email to the respective presenter directly. In here you can leave your name and email with a message. The presenter will receive this information and contact you at their own discretion.

7. Abstracts

All ESHG 2024 abstracts can be found on the virtual platform. You just need to search for your presentation of interest, access the presentation and click on the button labelled “Abstract”.

8. CME Credits

As in previous years, the European Human Genetics Conference has applied for accreditation from the European Accreditation Council of Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). More information and updates can be found here.

On the virtual conference platform participants will find all the session evalautions to claim CME credits under the page “CME Evaluation”.

9. ESHG 2024 Mobile APP

On the ESHG Mobile App you will be able to:

  • Browse the programme by day or session type
  • Read the conference abstracts
  • Access the ESHG 2024 virtual platform directly from the mobile app
  • Take notes and print or email them to you or your colleagues
  • Add talks and sessions to your personal itinerary
  • Browse sponsors by name or find them through the product index
  • Get information on how to navigate the virtual conference
  • Learn about Faculty, Award Lecturers and Early Career Award Candidates
  • Have useful information always available.

Please note that the app and the virtual conference platform operate independently from each other. However, you will have direct links from the app to the virtual conference platform to the respective areas.

You can find more information about the mobile on this page: